You can watch me #BeBoldGetCold as I do a Plunge at Home for Special Olympics Illinois here.
I have to say thank you to Bloomington Meats for again helping me reach my minimum goal this year. The McLean County Sportsmen also were again very generous. All of the people who donated to this point are appreciated more than you know.
I also want to extend my thanks to my friend Joe and the Hudson Fire Department for helping me do my Plunge at Home in the way I imagined. The water was much colder than I though it would be.
I have reached the $1000 goal I set for myself (as I do every year). However, if you want to see me do a different kind of Plunge at Home help me reach $2000 for Special Olympics Illinois. I remind you that I pledged to do a new video with a different kind of plunge for every $1000 mark reached. You can donate to this very worthy cause by CLICKING HERE and make me plunge again.
You can also take the plunge yourself!
Participating is easy as 1- Register to Plunge At Home, 2- Raise a minimum of $100 in donations from friends, family and co-workers, and 3- PLUNGE AT HOME any time now through March 14! (Oh and don’t forget to take photos and videos of your plunge.)
Thanks to everybody who helped my Polar Plunge 2021 for Special Olympics Illinois be a success for a great cause!
By: Buck Stevens