No Mardi Gras Parades, No Problem. Thousands Make “House Floats” Instead

A Mardi Gras "House Float" in New Orleans
A Mardi Gras “House Float” in New Orleans (Photo credit: YouTube)

New Orleans is refusing to let the pandemic squash its Mardi Gras spirit.

With Mardi Gras parades canceled, people are instead decorating their houses as “floats”.

And you know in New Orleans, they do things big, so this isn’t just throwing up a few streamers.

Houses around the city are now decorated with elaborate props, designs, lights… some artists are even holding live-streamed outdoor lessons to help with ideas.

One resident said he thinks a new tradition has started.

Even when Mardi Gras comes back, I think people are going to keep doing this.”

Do you like the idea of “house floats”? Have you ever taken a trip to New Orleans for Mardi Gras?