Our friends at Bloomington Meats are stepping up again and matching donations to my Polar Plunge to benefit Special Olympics Illinois!
I always set my goal for my Polar Plunge at $1000. To help me reach that goal again this year Bloomington Meats will match all donations (up to $500) that are made by January 31st.
That means if I can reach $500 by that date in other donations, Bloomington Meats will add another $500 to my Polar Plunge to get me to my minimum goal of $1000 for critical funding for the 23,000 brave athletes of Special Olympics Illinois so they can compete in year-round sports & training, health & wellness, and leadership programs, including virtual programming.
This year’s Polar Plunge will be a Plunge at Home style event for safety during the pandemic. I have what I believe will be a fun and creative way for me “plunge” this year. Look for the video to be posted shortly after February 27th.
I would love to see my goal doubled, tripled or even more. To motivate donations to that level I am making a pledge. I will do and record a different type of “plunge” for each $1000 mark reached. To be clear, when I reach $1000 I will “plunge” once. If I reach $2000 I will “plunge” in two ways. If I reach $3000 I will “plunge” in three different ways and so on. The more you donate the more I plunge and it will all be captured in the video.
To make a safe and secure donation simply
Thanks for helping such a worthy cause. It will be me to #BeBoldGetCold if you can donate the cold cash!
By: Buck Stevens