Did you know Carrie Underwood almost didn’t audition for American Idol?
They are two of the most incredible female voices in the last 20 years, let alone to come out of American Idol.
Carrie Underwood was on The Kelly Clarkson Show Friday and revealed that she was so scared, she almost didn’t get on the plane to go audition.
Can you imagine if Carrie had let her fear win and she hadn’t shown up for her audition? Even though she is arguably one of the most incredible singers today, there is a possibility we would have never gotten to hear her power house voice had she not shown up.
She tells Kelly, “It was very unlike me to just go for it. It was scary, so I definitely had a moment of ‘What am I doing?’ It’s easier to stay home, you know? But I mean, I wouldn’t be doing anything I’m doing now.”
Watch the interview below.