Florida Georgia Line‘s latest single is “I Love My Country,” so we wondered if they had some favorite spots in this great country of ours that they like to visit. It’s a simple question with a not so simple answer according to Brian Kelley.
“You know, there’s so many magical places in this country,” Brian states. “We’ve been very fortunate to tour a lot of the states, most states, and see a lot of great cities and a lot of amazing people … and get off and see some national parks, some state parks, some amazing restaurants, amazing developments and it’s hard to really pinpoint our favorite places.”
It’s not surprising that Brian, who sometimes refers to himself as a gypsy jungle beach boy, pointed out a lot of places that have a lot to do with nature. “California’s such an amazing place. The whole coast is beautiful. We love Texas. It’s always good to get to Texas. Obviously, Florida, can’t go wrong there down in the Keys. Love the Keys. North Carolina is one of my favorite states, up in the mountains. Cashiers, North Carolina’s a special little spot.”
Any chance Brian gets to be outside, whether it’s at the beach, in the woods, hiking, biking, rock climbing, fishing or whatever, he’s grateful to have seen and to have access to so many beautiful spots in our country. “We’re very fortunate to live in a land where there’s a lot of protected land. These national parks are our national treasures. So, I think we’re all looking forward to see some more, see some amazing mountains and landscapes and enjoy that with our family.”
You can find Florida Georgia Line’s latest song, “I Love My Country,” on their 6-Pack EP, which is available now wherever you stream or download music. You can also listen for the song on Bloomington-Normal’s #1 Country, B104.
Do you have a place you love to visit the most in the United States?
By: Buck Stevens