Sanitizing is apparently more important than we ever knew. There is information that the coronavirus can spread when you flush the toilet.
A study has found that flushing the toilet could produce a plume of droplets potentially rising three feet into the air. The study indicates this could possibly give you the coronavirus.
There is not an indication from scientists about which is more contagious, public or private restrooms. However, this study might change the designs of common spaces in the future.
Researchers do suggest that if you use a public restroom, close the lid when you flush to lower the risk of droplets in the air exposing you to any viruses.
OK, I get that COVID-19 is bad and we want to prevent the spread. Still, regardless of the coronavirus, why are we just now hearing of a three foot high plume of droplets coming out of the shall we say “dirty water” of a toilet!?!? That’s just gross! I’ll be closing the lid before flushing forever now!
By: Buck Stevens