Brett Young’s daughter, Presley, is only six months old, but when she does get old enough to begin exploring her interests. Brett would certainly love it if she loved music or baseball (what was going to be his career before music). He would be happy to teach her all he could, but he doesn’t want to be over-bearing in any way.
“I hope that I don’t push my kids in any one direction. It’s so easy to say, but I hope that all we do is give them the opportunity to choose whatever it is that makes them happy. And I think the blessing is that we’ve been put in a position where we can give them opportunities.”
Whether Presley grows up to love music or baseball or dancing or something else, Brett knows he won’t be able to resist exposing her to some of his passions.
“I’m sure that I’ll probably give nudges here and there, but for the most part, I appreciate that in my upbringing, everything was available to me and I got to pick. My parents supported whatever I chose to do and so, I hope that that’s how we’ll parent.”
Brett knows if he pushes too hard in any one direction, it could create resentment from Presley or any of his future children, so he says, “The goal is to not do that, but we’ll see. Wish me luck.”
Brett just celebrated his sixth single, “Catch,” becoming his sixth number one song. He will be announcing his next radio single soon.
Listen for “Catch” by Brett Young on Bloomington-Normal’s #1 Country, B104.