Adorable Penguins Let Loose In Empty Shedd Aquarium To Explore [VIDEO]

Penguins/Free Use Pixabay

Need something to smile about today…how about PENGUINS!

With everything closing down and people being told to stay home, the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago also closed it’s doors, BUT they let the penguins play!

Literally, the penguins were let loose on Sunday to explore the building. A group of Rockhopper Penguins were allowed to leave their habitat and explore the rest of the aquarium in an entertaining way to provide enrichment for the animals, and the video that accompanied has most of us smiling big today!

Wellington got to take a trip to meet the fishies…

People LOVED it, so they asked for more!
Meet Edward and Annie…

And the adventure continues…

While we are experiencing new territory out here in the world, so are the penguins. I hope in the next video they take the penguins to meet the otters!!! Now THAT I would LOVE to see!