“There’s been a handful of COVID-19 cases in my area and there seems to be very little government effort to slow down the spread.
I’ve been encouraging my kids to wash their hands frequently but my 5 y/o daughter isn’t washing her hands enough. I came up with the idea to throw out one of her dolls and tell her it died of the coronavirus. She’s pretty upset and my wife said it was a stupid thing to do. I just want to limit the chances of us all catching the disease, especially since I work in a care home.”
Ummmm, YES it was a stupid thing to do! You killed off your daughters beloved baby doll because she wasn’t washing her hands enough and you wanted to teach her a lesson?
This is the kind of thing that can put your kid into therapy later in life.
Well, he asked and people gave their opinions…I mean they REALLY gave it to him.
He quickly learned that how he handled the situation probably wasn’t right…
“I see now it was a dumb idea. I’m getting her a nurse doll to revive her dead doll and have her place it into quarantine for a while for recovery,” he said, adding, “Wife is off buying scented soaps too. She has been crying a lot over her favourite doll dying so I hope this makes it all better…”
What do you think? Have you ever lied to your kids for their own safety?