This Dog Collar Swears Every Time Your Dog Barks…I swear!
What a time to be alive!
If you’ve ever wanted to cuss your neighbors out for mowing the lawn before 9am on a Saturday, now you don’t have to, just let your dog take care of it!
Let your dog tell off the neighbor dog for pooping in your yard, or the neighbor who only shovels their driveway into YOUR driveway.
Save your precious voice and let your dog cuss them out with the new Cuss Collar!
Bonus points if the Cuss Collar comes with Samuel L. Jackson’s voice!
This collar does exactly what it says…put it on your dog like a collar, and whenever he or she yips or barks the collar spits out the swears!
So, if you’ve ever wanted to see your yorkie poo drop the F-bomb, or your Pitbull call someone a M-F’er, this is for you.
Not surprisingly the Cuss Collar is currently sold out, but the company guarantees there are more on the way!
Also, don’t worry, the company notes this is not a “shock/vibrating/training collar and is not intended for anything other than hours of entertainment and will not harm your dog.