This Google Super Bowl Commercial Will Have You In Tears [VIDEO]

Google Super Bowl Ad
YouTube Super Bowl Ad

Here’s your daily Kleenex Alert!

You are definitely going to need some tissues while watching the Super Bowl this year, and I’m not talking about how the game is going to go.

This ad from Google already has people crying!

It was released prior to the Super Bowl probably because you are going to need emotional support to watch it. The 90 second commercial stars an 85 year old man who uses Google Assistant to keep the memory of his late wife “Loretta” alive.

He asks google to show him photos of his late wife and the trips they took together, play her favorite showtunes, and order her favorite flowers.

If that doesn’t get you, how about the fact that the commercial was based on real life people, and the grandpa in the ad is actually the real life grandfather of a Google Employee, and this is his story.


