Local Hero Who Rescued Dog Gives Surprise Proposal On Ellen [VIDEO]

Ellen Show Proposal
YouTube: Ellen Show Proposal

This is the CUTEST!

Bryant Fitz was already a local hero when he rescued a caged dog abandoned in a lake near Champaign, but now he is a national hero after surprising his girlfriend on the Ellen show!

In early November, a Champaign man decided to spend the day fishing, but stopped in his tracks when he saw a caged dog, abandoned in the middle of Kaufman Lake in Champaign. Bryant could tell the dog was freezing and the water was up to her ears. Without hesitation, he jumped in the lake to save her. Once he got her out, he could see that not only was she abandoned in the lake to freeze or drown, but she had sustained some other unbelievable injuries as well. They took the dog to U of I’s Veterinary hospital, where she is now happy, safe, and recovering from her injuries. Bryant and his girlfriend have decided to adopt the dog once the police investigation is wrapped up.

Ellen heard the news and immediately invited Bryant and his girlfriend on the show, where they shared more details about the rescue, and how excited they are to bring “Dory” home. “Dory” is what they have decided to name the dog, after Ellen’s character in “Finding Dory” because the precious pup never gave up and “just kept swimming.”

Bryant and his girlfriend Krystal were then gifted with a wagon full of pet toys from Ellen’s pet line, and then there was one more surprise Bryant had for Krystal after Ellen asked “Will you ever get married?”

