We thought we would give you an update on the number of quarters collected so far in the St. Jude Million Quarter Challenge.
We have teamed with Tito’s Vodka and 11 area bars-restaurants to raise one million quarters for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. The bars-restaurants are also having a friendly competition to see which one of them can collect the most quarters for this amazing organization.
Here is a look at the total of quarters collected so far by the locations (listed most quarters to least quarters collected)…
Windjammer Lounge
1,578 quarters
Spotted Dog
1,342 quarters
DR McKays
846 quarters
Reality Bites
607 quarters
Pub II
328 quarters
Old Town Tap & Restaurant
297 quarters
Cheeks Bar & Grill
208 quarters
Joe’s Station House
157 quarters
Gill St. Sports Bar & Restaurant
145 quarters
30 quarters
Joe’s Pub
23 quarters
5,561 quarters
When you add to that the 4,000 quarters Tito’s started us off with and we are up to a GRAND TOTAL of 9,561 QUARTERS so far!!
That is a long way from the end goal of ONE MILLION QUARTERS. It’s a HUGE goal, but with your help we can get there!
You can also make sure your favorite location wins the challenge. You can donate quarters, nickles, dimes and even folding money at your favorite bar-restaurant participating. All the donations will be converted to quarters and added to the total of that location.
Remember the money goes to the families of St. Jude. The money helps ensure no family ever pays for anything at St. Jude. Families should focus on helping their children live, not how to pay for the life saving treatment they receive.
Find out more about the St. Jude Million Quarter Challenge here.
Find out more about St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital here.
Check out the Facebook page for the St. Jude Million Quarter Challenge here to see some of the great ideas being shared for how to raise quarters.
Please join B104 in supporting the Life Saving Mission of St. Jude by participating in the Million Quarter Challenge. It’s only a handful of quarters to you … It’s LIFE to the children of St. Jude!
By: Buck Stevens