Julianne Hough Reveals to Husband “I’m Not Straight”

Julianne Hough and Brooks Laich
Julianne Hough and Brooks Laich (Photo credit: YouTube)

Julianne Hough has been on a journey of self-exploration. Part of that voyage was an admission to her husband that has brought them closer. Hough got married to Brooks Laich in 2017. Her personal growth started not too long after that.

She said in a Women’s Health interview, “I was connecting to the woman inside that doesn’t need anything, versus the little girl that looked to him to protect me. I was like, ‘Is he going to love this version of me?’ But the more I dropped into my most authentic self, the more attracted he was to me.”

Hough continued, “I [told him], ‘You know I’m not straight, right?’ And he was like, ‘I’m sorry what?’. I was like, ‘I’m not. But I choose to be with you.’”

She says that Laich and her “have a more intimate relationship” since the revelation. Hough went on to say, “I think there’s a safety with my husband now that I’m unpacking all of this.”

On their first anniversary last year Julianne posted the video below with the message, “We have been married for 1 year and these words are truer than ever: Our wedding was the best weekend of my life, the best weekend of our lives and this has been the BEST YEAR! Our wedding was all about LOVE and spreading love with our family and friends!”