Spider Causes Woman to Crash Car

A crashed car
(Photo credit: facebook.com/CairoNYPolice123)
A woman in New York state was involved in a car crash because of a spider inside the car with her!

That’s right, the town of Cairo Police Department posted the picture above on their Facebook page with the explanation.

Apparently the woman saw a spider in her car in the driver’s area. She panicked and crashed as a result. The woman suffered a leg injury from the crash. Obviously the car also sustained major damage.

The police department also included in their message, “We know that it is easier for some drivers than others but PLEASE, try to teach new drivers and yourselves to overcome the fear and pull over to a safe place. Lives depend on it.”

Do you somebody who might crash because they see a spider along for the ride in the car? I do, but I won’t name them because they would kill me!

By: Buck Stevens