Tech Tip: How to Safely Remove a Flash Drive

Tech Tip: How to Safely Remove a Flash Drive
(Photo credit: Buck Stevens/B104)

There is a new way to “safelyremove a flash drive from your computer.

When flash drives (a.k.a thumb drives or USB drives) first arrived the proper way to remove them from your computer to ensure you didn’t damage the data on them was to “eject” them. If you don’t know how to do that you either never used a flash drive or removed it improperly all the time.

The new way to “safely” remove a flash drive is to just place your fingers on it and pull it out … no “ejection” necessary. Microsoft says it is OK to take your flash drive out without ejecting. Windows 10 has a feature called “quick removal.” You can pull your flash out safely as long as nothing is being written to it.

Actually, this method really is not new … you just may not have known that you could do it this way. A Windows expert says Microsoft has had flash drive protection in place since Windows 7.

Be honest: Did you ever eject your flash drives?

By: Buck Stevens