Thomas Rhett Helping Celebrate 50 Years of ‘Sesame Street’ with new Song

Thomas Rhett with Sesame Street characters.
(Photo credit: video)

Thomas Rhett is going to win the “Coolest Dad Award” hands down from his daughters. He is helping the icon kid’s show Sesame Street celebrate 50 years with a new song.

Thomas Rhett has recorded a song that Sesame Street will use all year long during their 50th Anniversary. If his daughters Willa (3-years-old) and Ada (1-year-old) get into a debate about whose dad is the coolest in the future, they will be able to say, “My dad sings the ‘Sesame Street’ song” and drop the mic.

Thomas Rhett shared a clip of him singing the new song while hanging out on the iconic Sesame Street with all the beloved residents on his social media platforms. Watch the clip below.

By: Buck Stevens