You can help me (Buck Stevens) reach my $1000 goal for my 2019 Polar Plunge for Special Olympics. If you’re a Chicago Cubs fan there is an extra incentive to make a donation.
I am a lifelong St. Louis Cardinals fan, that will never change. However, I believe in the mission of Special Olympics so strongly that I am going to do something that might motivate some of you to help me reach my goal.
If I hit the $1000 mark for my Polar Plunge I will wear a Chicago Cubs hat during my plunge. That’s right, this Cardinals fan will wear a Cubs hat. I am even going to go a step further. If I reach the $1,500 mark for my plunge I will sing the chorus of “Go Cubs Go” while doing my plunge.
There will be video confirmation of the hat and the song if the right amounts are reached in my annual Polar Plunge video. I will post the video right here on the B104 website and on social media.
No matter if it is $5, $10, $20 or more, it all adds up and goes to Special Olympics of Illinois!
Cardinals fan, Cubs fan or whatever … it all helps Special Olympics of Illinois, so please make a donation.
Thank You!
By: Buck Stevens