Country music singer-songwriter Jordan Davis is thankful he has the support and guidance of his older brother Jacob Davis, who happens to be on the same path as he is in Nashville.
The Davis brothers are from Louisiana. Jacob moved to Nashville to chase his dreams one year before Jordan made the same pilgrimage. The younger Davis boy confessed that he was glad to have his older brother already in Music City when he got there. He says things might not have unfolded the way they have without it.
“I really don’t know if I’d be in the spot I’m at right now if I wouldn’t have had Jacob up here first,” Jordan admits. “He’s my big brother, you know? He’s the guy that I’ve always looked up to.”
Jordan moved to Nashville in 2012 and his big brother instantly took him under his wing.
“He showed me the ropes in town early on,” Jordan shares, “introduced me to a lot of writers and a lot of people that helped me further my career.”
Those connections Jacob helped his little brother make led to Jordan to getting his publishing deal as a song writer. Since that time Jordan has experienced the ups and downs of being an aspiring country music singer. It took five years in Nashville for Jordan to put out his debut album Home State. The debut single from that album “Singles You Up” became Jordan’s first number one single.
The younger brother shares that having his older sibling there for all of the mountains and valleys he’s gone through on his road to his dream is one of the biggest advantages he has had.
“Nashville is a city of ups and downs,” Jordan admits, “Some weeks you’re on top of the world and some weeks you’re feeling like you need to go back home. Just to have somebody that can, not let you get too low and celebrate, you know, when you need to celebrate has been awesome.”
The two brothers may get to do that celebrate thing together very soon. Jordan’s follow-up to his debut #1 single is a song called “Take It From Me” which he co-wrote with his brother and Jason Gantt. If the song can follow the same path as “Singles You Up” I would bet the celebration could be one the Davis family talks about for years to come.
You can catch Jordan Davis on Jake Owen’s Life’s Whatcha Make It Tour.” That tour makes a stop just down the road from here at the State Farm Center in Champaign, IL Friday, September 7th. Get complete concert and tickets details here.
Listen to more about Jordan Davis’ life and career in the “Nash Country Daily Writers Room with Jim Casey” here.
By: Buck Stevens