Fly In Historic Ford Tri-Motor Airplane in Bloomington

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You have a chance to fly in a piece of history from June 14th – June 17th as one of the first mass produced airliners will be stopping by The Central Illinois Regional Airport.

The Ford Tri-Motor takes you back to the 1920’s, when traveling by air was a luxury. Just look at the 3 props! If you fancy yourself a history buff, you don’t want to miss this. Tickets for the flight are $75 for adults if you buy your tickets at the airport on the day of the flight.

However, if you book ahead of time, you can get your tickets for $70. Tickets are $50 for kids under the age of 17. You can book your flight by clicking HERE.

Tickets will likely sell fast so make sure you get yours now! Check out the video below to see what makes the plane so special.

With Bloomington Normal’s #1 Country, B104!