Southern California Town Invaded by Tumbleweeds! [VIDEO]

The Southern California town of Victorville is enduring an invasion of the likes most of us could not imaging. Tumbleweeds are taking over yards!

High winds in the area have blown hundreds if not thousands of tumbleweeds into the town that is located northeast of Los Angeles.

The dry plants have sharp thorns and have blown down streets and any open areas coming to rest in yards and driveways and any place the winds cannot blow them around.

Reports are that some 100 to 150 homes have been submerged in the large rolling weeds. Some homes have been covered as high as the second story. One woman was actually trapped inside her home for two hours by the tumbleweeds until help arrived to rescue her from the situation.

City crews have been working diligently to remove the pesky plants by the truck load. However, the 60 mph winds have made it quite a challenging task to complete.

By: Buck Stevens

(Feature photo and video courtesy of