The Battle Rounds began last night (3/19) on season 14 of The Voice. What happened with Blake Shelton and Team Blake? Let’s find out.
The first battle pairing from Team Blake was JessLee and Kyla Jade. Blake gave the two big voiced ladies the song “One Last Time” by Ariana Grande to perform together. Both singers had the chance to show the power of their voices in this powerhouse performance.
It appeared to be a tough decision for Blake, but in the end he chose to move forward with Kyla on the show.
Kelly Clarkson paired Brynn Cartelli with Dylan Hartigan from her team. The two performed their own version of Taylor Swift’s song “…Ready For It?”
Kelly chose to move forward with 14-year-old Brynn on her team leaving Dylan available to be stolen. Blake decided to use one of his steals to bring Dylan to Team Blake.
You can see the other battles from last night’s show at The Voice‘s YouTube Channel or at their official website.
Tonight (3/20) the battles continue on The Voice Season 14 starting at 7 PM central time (8 PM eastern time) on NBC.
By: Buck Stevens
Just for fun, watch some outtakes from the show below…