Is Alexa Laughing WITH You or AT You?

Amazon Echo "Alexa"
(Photo credit: B104/Buck Stevens)

Apparently Amazon‘s “Alexa” is developing her own mind. I just wonder if she is laughing WITH you or AT you?

If you have seen the movie 2001 Space Odyssey you remember the computer named “Hal” that had Artificial Intelligence (AI) and eventually developed its own thought process.

It would seem that Alexa could be traveling the same path as Hal.

Reports have been coming in to Amazon that their voice-based digital assistant has been laughing without being asked to do so. According to users, Alexa has been laughing at unrelated comments.

Again, that begs the question, “Is Alexa laughing with you or at you?”

Amazon says they are aware of the situation and is working on resolving this problem in their devices. Alexa can be repaired automatically once the problem is isolated.

I have an Echo Dot at home and have not experienced this yet. Perhaps my Alexa has learned that it is not appropriate to laugh at people at the wrong times. You try to raise a respectful AI devise as best you can these days.

Have you had this experience with your Alexa? Share your story on our Facebook and/or Twitter page.

By: Buck Stevens