Last night (11/14) the Playoffs began on The Voice Season 13 and Blake Shelton had to choose three artists to keep Team Blake for the live shows.
In previous seasons, the top 24 performed live with viewers voting to advance two artists from each team to the top 12 and the coach choosing one more to advance. This season they are doing it differently. The five artists that made it through the Knockout Rounds plus one artist the coaches chose as their “Comeback Artist” on their team performed and the coach had to choose which three to keep and which three to send home as a result.
Blake chose Natalie Stovall as his “Comeback Artist” after eliminating her in the final night of the Battle Rounds, as I predicted he might do. (Check out my blog from October 25th here.) She joined Mitchell Lee, Red Marlow, Esera Tuaolo, Keisha Renee and Chloe Kohanski as they each performed a song for the chance to advance to the live shows on The Voice.
You can watch all six performances in the videos below.
Blake had difficult decisions to make to cut Team Blake in half. Ultimately he chose to keep Red Marlow, Keisha Renee and the artist he stole from Team Miley during the Knockout Rounds Chloe Kohanski on his team for the live shows.

Jennifer Hudson also cut her team in half during last night’s episode of The Voice. One of the three artists she kept for the live shows was Noah Mac whom she stole from team Blake during the Battle Rounds. I am keeping track of this artist because if Jennifer wins the show with a former Team Blake member, well … You can check out Noah’s performance in the video below.
You can take a look at where all of the teams stand for season 13 on the official website of The Voice here.
Tonight (11/14) and tomorrow night (11/15) it will be Miley Cyrus and Adam Levine making the tough decisions to cut their teams in half for the live shows on season 13 of The Voice.
By: Buck Stevens