Thomas Rhett’s Adopted Daughter is Adapting Well

Thomas Rhett, Willa Gray and Lauren Akins
(Photo credit:

Thomas Rhett says that his adopted daughter Willa Gray is adapting well to her new life. And she has had a lot to adapt to!

Thomas Rhett and his wife Lauren decided to adopt the young girl before they found out that Lauren was pregnant. Even with the news of their forthcoming baby the couple completed their adoption of the young girl from Uganda, Africa.

I have never adopted a child, but I have several friends that have. One of the biggest things for them to deal with has been the child getting used to their new world and family.

Willa Gray has had that adaptation process times 10. She moved to a new country, has new parents and quickly after arriving at her new home has a new baby sister, Ada James. Add to those factors the fact that her dad is a celebrity who is constantly on the road and one could understand if she had problems getting used to her new life.

However, Thomas Rhett says that is not the case at all. “Willa has just adapted way better than we ever thought she would,” he shares.

“Going from where she came from to being here I thought that she would be overwhelmed and kind of really shy,” Thomas Rhett confesses, “but she’s never met a stranger.”

If she is not shy, what kind of personality is Willa displaying? Thomas Rhett says she can be a social butterfly of types or just chill-ax, she’s perfectly fine at both. “You can bring her into a huge crowded room and she’s like the life of the party,” he says adding, “or she can chill and just watch Moana for the 58th time this week.”

It’s good to hear that Willa is adjusting to her new life so well.

By: Buck Stevens