Luke Bryan and Blake Shelton are good friends, but they love picking on each other whenever possible. Luke pledged to “deface the hell” out a Blake t-shirt at a recent VIP performance.
In the video below at what looks like a pre-concert VIP experience at a recent stop on Luke’s “Huntin’, Fishin’ and Lovin’ Every Day Tour” Luke was about to play a song when he noticed a fan holding up a Blake Shelton t-shirt. After playing a single chord on his guitar, he asked, “Why you holdin’ a Blake Shelton t-shirt up? I don’t wanna see him.”
After the laughter from the fans died down, you could hear the person holding the shirt asking Luke if he would draw a mustache on Blake on the t-shirt.
Luke’s response, “I’ll deface the hell out of that!”
I have two questions now. Number one, did Luke really draw on Blake’s face on the t-shirt? If so, I hope the person who has it posts a picture of it for us all to see. Number two, does Blake know about this? It would be great to see what kind of response/payback for it he would have for Luke.
By: Buck Stevens