Faith In Humanity Is Over, The Male Romper Is Now A Thing

Yes, friends. You read the headline correctly, the male romper is here. This is truly a tragic day.

In case you are unaware, the romper is a jump suit like garment that has been in women’s fashion for a few years now. I actually think that are a very nice summer outfit…for the ladies… not for dudes. But, alas, here we are. According to Time, a Kickstarter page from ACED design went up yesterday for their new design, the “Romp-him”. I hate this so much.

Anyway, the Kickstarter page has been extremely successful, raising well over $130,000 (at the time of this writing).

“Everything was either too corporate, too fratty, too ‘runway’, or too basic,” ACED Design says on their website. “Something was missing.” And that something was the RompHim.”

No! It was not missing!

“We promise that once you put it on, you won’t wanna take this thing off.”

I promise you I won’t put one on! I think I like how Chase Rice would respond to seeing a dude in a romper.

Here is what bothers me most about this. These guys are wearing glorified onsies and I get judged for wearing cargo shorts. Men’s fashion is not that complicated guys. Don’t wear socks under your sandals and everything will be fine.

If you want to check out the Kickstarter page and see how dumb this looks, you can find it here.

By Hunter

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