KFC Has A Romance Novel, Because Why Not?

It’s the Mother’s Day gift of all Mother’s Day gifts! If you were sitting around today thinking,”you know what would go great with my fried chicken, a fried chicken romance novel!”. Well, friends, KFC has heard your cries! In what I can only imagine is the first fast food themed romance novel, we have Tender Wings Of Desire. Honestly, my first thought with this was “What the what? Who has fantasies about Col. Sanders???” Apparently more than I thought! You can download the free 96 page novel, which is for some reason set in Victorian England, here!

Here is the book description on Amazon…

When Lady Madeline Parker runs away from Parker Manor and a loveless betrothal, she finally feels like she is in control of her life. But what happens when she realizes she can’t control how she feels? When she finds herself swept into the arms of Harland, a handsome sailor with a mysterious past, Madeline realizes she must choose between a life of order and a man of passion. Can love overcome lies? What happens in the embrace of destiny, on the Tender Wings of Desire?

But, Wait! There’s more! There is a promotional video to go along with the book!

Again… What the What? Haha! Enjoy the book, and you fried chicken!

By: Hunter

(Feature photo courtesy of https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0713XG522)