Trailer for ‘Dark Tower’, Staring Matthew McConaughey, Debuts

For fans of Stephen King’s book series ‘The Dark Tower’ who have been begging for a film adaptation, today is a good day for them. Ladies and Gentlemen, WE HAVE A TRAILER!

Admittedly, I have never read the book series. It has always been one of those ‘I’ll get around to it’ kind of things. After seeing this trailer though, I better get my butt in gear!

The movie, staring Idris Elba (he’s been in the ‘Thor’ films, ‘Pacific Rim’ as well as a small role a few years ago on ‘The Office) and Matthew McConaughey, looks explosive and fun. Plus McConaughey plays what looks to be a seriously evil dude.

While I think the trailer is guilty of giving WAY too much of the plot, it looks cool. The trailer starts off by seeing a boy talking to a child psychologist about visions he is having about Gunslinger (Idris Elba) and the Man in Black (Matthew McConaughey). We then learn about the Dark Tower and The Gunslinger’s charge of protecting it from The Man in Black.

Guns will be a blazin’ and, because it’s a Stephen King adaptation, things will be freaky!  Check out the trailer and let us know what you think!

The movie is due to hit theaters on August 4.

(feature photo courtesy: