Tim McGraw and Faith Hill have a new duet together called “Speak To A Girl.” The couple also have three daughters. Do their teenage girls approve of mom and dad’s new song?
The song delivers the message of how to properly talk to a female. One could even interpret the lyrics to also indicate how a man or boy should treat a woman or girl.
When you consider the ages of the three McGraw girls [Gracie (19, will be 20 on May 5th), Maggie (18) and Audrey (15)] one could also speculate that Tim and Faith recorded the song to send the message to any potential boyfriends of their daughters that they had better treat their daughters this way.
So, what do the girls think of the song?
“Our daughters love it,” Faith states with Tim following, “They love it.”
The next question is, would the girls tell mom and dad if they didn’t like it? “It wouldn’t be the first thing,” Faith admits, “They’re very honest.”
“Trust me. If they didn’t love it, they would let us know,” Tim confesses, “There have been plenty of my songs they didn’t like, they were pretty vocal about it.”
Glad to hear that Gracie, Maggie and Audrey approve of this song. Listen for “Speak To A Girl” by Tim McGraw and Faith Hill on B104.
Listen to Faith and Hunter in the Morning on B104 this week at 7:10 AM to win tickets to see Tim McGraw and Faith Hill’s “Soul 2 Soul Tour.” Get the details here.
By: Buck Stevens