Keith Urban Invites 19-Year-Old Girl to Play Guitar On Stage [VIDEO]

Keith Urban invited a 19-year-old girl to join him on stage to play guitar with him on stage during his concert in Australia.

Along with being a superstar singer-songwriter, Keith is an accomplished musician and one of the best guitar players in the business. He has become known for inviting young musicians on stage to play with him during his concerts. It is one way that he can give back and help encourage those young people to chase their dreams.

While on tour in Australia and New Zealand at the end of 2016, Keith held a Twitter chat in Sydney. During that chat, Ellen Tefanis expressed her desire to play guitar for Keith. He gave her that opportunity at his concert the final show of the “RipCORD World Tour” in Brisbane, QLD, Australia on December 17, 2016.

Keith invited Ellen on stage and asked her how long she had been playing. She revealed that she started playing when she was eight years old. She got to show off her skills with Keith and his band on his song “Good Thing.” Ellen did a great job and even got a chance to take center stage for a guitar solo during the performance.

Congratulations to Ellen on getting to experience such a thrill! Keep working hard and perhaps someday you will be able to pay it forward and invite a young musician on stage to play at one of your own concerts.

High five to Keith on giving the young musician such an amazing memory and continuing to mentor young musicians in an extraordinary way!

You can watch both Ellen’s Twitter video and Keith’s invitation to her to come play at the bottom of the page.

Watch Keith Urban with 19-year-old Ellen Tefanis playing guitar on stage in the video above.

By: Buck Stevens