Is Carrie Underwood’s dog Ace going to be ok? He injured himself and looks like he is paralyzed…OH NO!
This morning Nashville Kat told us that one of Carrie Underwood‘s precious pups, Ace, suffered a herniated disk over the holidays and actually became paralyzed because of it!
We all know how important dogs are to Carrie Underwood, especially her buddies Ace and Penny. She posts photos and videos of them all the time. I was surprised when Carrie posted a video of Ace on Instagram yesterday doing “water therapy”. Unfortunately the herniated disk caused Ace to become paralyzed. At first he wasn’t able to use either of his back legs, but his right side seemed to recover faster than his left, so now he has been doing physical therapy to get his mobility back.
He looks so precious in the video she posted!
Aww this makes me want to cry!
Seems that Carrie and I would be great friends, as we would both do ANYTHING for our furbabies!
Get better soon Ace!