HILARIOUS! 6th Annual “I Told My Kids I Ate Their Halloween Candy” [VIDEO]

Parents steal Halloween Candy YouTube
Parents steal halloween candy YouTube

Last night, Jimmy Kimmel brought back his annual Halloween YouTube challenge, in which viewers tell their kids that they ate all of their Halloween candy while videotaping their reactions. For the past 5 years this has been one of the most beloved and anticipated things Jimmy Kimmel has done, and this year they got a record number of submissions, so here are the best of the best!

This is the heart wrencing, sixth annual #HeyJimmyKimmelIToldMyKidsIAteAllTheirHa­lloweenCandy

I had tears in my eyes with the adorable little girl who sweetly forgave her parents and said that’s ok “maybe we can buy some more?”, as tears filled her eyes. Awwwwwww.

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