It’s been almost three years since Randy Travis had a stroke that changed his life. He hasn’t spoke much in the last 3 years, let alone sing, so when he took the stage to be honored last night at the Country Music Hall of Fame, he shocked EVERYONE when SANG!!!
One of the greatest honors for a country artist is to be inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame, and last night the biggest stars came out to honor Randy Travis and Charlie Daniels, among others.
It was just six months ago that Randy’s wife Mary accepted the invitation on his behalf.
As the Country Music Hall Of Fame induction ceremony continued, the most touching moment came when Garth Brooks inducted Randy Travis into the Hall of Fame, but it wasn’t what Garth said, or what Randy’s wife Mary said, that had everyone shocked…it was what Randy Travis himself did. For the first time in almost three years, Randy sang.
Randy’s wife Mary stood by him to share his story, and paid tribute to Randy’s father who passed away a week ago, and then Randy took the microphone to sing “Amazing Grace.”
How INCREDIBLE!!! I love that the crowd sang along with him, many were overcome with tears, and as the song finished everyone cheered and gave Randy a standing ovation. Truly a ceremony that no one will ever forget.