The 2016 Illinois archery season for deer opens tomorrow (10/1), so be careful whether you are hunter or not.
With people in tree stands and in ground blinds throughout deer habitat, this will make it more likely that the deer will move around more. That means when you are driving through and around areas that deer live, one could unexpectedly appear in front of your vehicle. Make sure to slow down a bit more in these areas to avoid the frustration at best (injuries at worse) from an accident with a deer. Right around dawn and dusk will be even more hazardous in these areas, although you should use caution at all times of the day and night.
For those like me that will be out with their bow hunting with the hopes of harvesting something for the freezer and possible a trophy in the process, please be careful as well. This does not just mean when driving in and out of the areas you hunt, but also while hunting.
Make sure to use all safety equipment and practices and follow the rules and laws of hunting in Illinois. I hate hearing about a fellow hunter being injured, especially when I learn that it could have been easily avoided by following safety procedures. Remember that the laws and rules are there to ensure our safety and ensure that we will be able to enjoy our passion for hunting in the future for generations to come.
Tomorrow, Saturday, October 1st is the opening of bow season in Illinois and everybody needs to be careful in and around deer habitat.
to my fellow hunting enthusiasts I say, “Good Luck. Be Safe. Shoot straight. I hope you get that big one … just not bigger than the one I get.”
By: Buck Stevens
*Note: check out the two bucks sparing in the background of the picture from my trail cam at the top of the page!