Florida Georgia Line are being accused of being anti-police after two shows this weekend in Iowa and Wisconsin, however Brian and Tyler insist they have nothing but love for the Police.
At Florida Georgia Line’s show Saturday night in Wisconsin, a sheriff was told no uniformed officers were allowed backstage while the band was on the grounds. The next day, the same thing happened in Iowa. In the middle of the Iowa concert, the band reportedly asked to get a police escort out of town and the sheriff said he wouldn’t spend quote, “one tax dollar assisting them”.
Florida Georgia Line has since responded to the incident and released a statement…
— Florida Georgia Line (@FLAGALine) July 24, 2016
This seems like a big misunderstanding.
Sources close to FGL say security for all their concerts is handled through promoters at the venues, and that is in their contract for each gig.
It’s possible that local cops ask to help out backstage regularly, but FGL thinks by having their own security local law enforcement will be available for security outside of the venue.
**UPDATE #2:
The organizers of Country Thunder Musical Festival released the following statement:
The organizers of Country Thunder have been made aware of recent comments on social media regarding FGL at the festival. We have seen the original post and none of it was true. We had an epic show Friday night with FGL, and an amazing weekend with all of the artists and fans !!