Brenda Roberts is fighting cancer and a patient with Hospice Care Plus and her dream came true of seeing Blake Shelton in concert with a bonus of getting to MEET him!
Hospice Care Plus is based in Richmond, Kentucky and thanks to CountryRebel.com we found out about this touching story.
Apparently Brenda made it known that she wanted to see her favorite country singer, Blake Shelton, in concert sooner rather than later. She called it her “dream wish” and was hopeful it could happen before she became too weak to go to a concert.
The people at Hospice Care Plus lived up to the “Plus” in their name by not only getting Brenda to Blake Shelton’s concert in Nashville Monday (6/6), but they also surprised her by arranging for her to MEET Blake after the show.
Hospice Care Plus posted the picture above of the touching event on their Facebook page along with the message, “Y’all, that’s Mr. Blake Shelton hugging a delighted, tearful, and very surprised Brenda Roberts. More pictures coming tomorrow. When we share them, we will also single out some very specific people, without whom our small hospice could never have done this big , bucket-list thing for this special lady. P.S. Blake Shelton, you’re a hospice hero. Thank you.”
The look on Brenda’s face as Blake hugs her tells the story of how special this meeting was to her.
Thanks to Hospice Care Plus and all who helped them arrange this special surprise and to Blake Shelton for taking time to make a “dream wish” come true for a special fan.
By: Buck Stevens