Lovie Smith Can Coach Illini to Top [VIDEO]

Lovie Smith addresses Illini players from: youtube

Lovie Smith is introduced to Illini players From: youtube

The announcement has been made that eleven year NFL veteran coach Lovie Smith will take the reigns of the University of Illinois Fighting Illini. This makes a lot of sesnse since he was a fixture for years with the Chicago Bears.

We all knoe that Lovie Smith will be able to coach, but the question reamains, can he recruit? I think if the kids in Illinois is a key for recruiting, he should be able to do that with his name alone. Lovie Smith also has the NFL connections that would help the graduating seniors get noticed. The Illini were in such a position that it makes sense to roll the dice and get fans and alumni back in the stands and very good players on the field. Oh one last thing, Lovie get a hold of Brock Spack and set up a game. It could be as big as the annual Iowa vs. Iowa State game

-JD Justice