Florida Georgia Line‘s Tyler Hubbard and his wife Hayley are sharing A LOT in photos as they enjoy their vacation in Africa!
Hayley has been sharing details about the trip through her blog The Vogue Trip. The blog includes pictures of everything they have been experiencing along the way. The couple has also shared those photos through their social media accounts.
The picture at the top of the page was accompanied by the message, “On the blog: Read the FULL recap of our first stop in South Africa! All the details of our stay at the Singita Sweni Lodge + photos from our daily adventures! @singita_ #thevoguetriptravel #singitaswenilodge #southafrica #oursingita”
The picture below that shows the two sitting atop Lion’s Head Mountain included the message, “I’ve truly met my match in life and for that I am beyond grateful #answeredprayers #atthetop #lionshead #thankful”

However, the picture that has truly created a buzz on the blog is the one below that shows Tyler standing on at the opening of what looks like an outdoor balcony shower with nothing but his tattoos on and … shall we say a “well positioned” sliding door. The massage with the picture is, “Be looking for our blog post later today as we… Well, Tyler bares all in the outdoors! #thevoguetriptravel #fullmoon #ourafricanadventure”

You can see many more pictures from Tyler and Hayley Hubbard’s African adventure on his official Instagram account here.
By: Buck Stevens