Tyler Farr pulls a “Luke Bryan” by Falling Off Stage [VIDEO]

(Language warning in the video.)

Tyler Farr would probably like to have his career path follow that of his friend Luke Bryan‘s. He might be on that track as he took a fall off the stage last week in true “Luke Bryan fashion.”

You may remember that Luke kept falling off stage during his spring 2014 tour. It happened so many times that the ACM Awards Show even put up caution tape around the stage when Luke was ready to rehearse for the big show that he and Blake Shelton served as co-hosts for. It appears that Tyler might be following in Luke’s misplaced footsteps.

Tyler was performing in Glen Allen, VA August 12th. He was doing a cover of the Foo Fighters song “My Hero” when he decided to step off the stage to a platform just in front of it. Unfortunately his foot slipped off the platform and he went face down onto it.

Tyler didn’t miss a word of the song as he finished singing it from the ground in front of the stage. He climbed back onto the platform after the song and said, “$#!^ that hurt.” He then asked that, “Somebody please get that on YouTube.”

His request was granted as a fan in the audience did post the stumble on YouTube which can be watched above.

Tyler posted pictures of the bruise and he got from the fall and the progress of the healing to his Twitter page.

Tyler Farr Twitter post with bruise pictures
Photo credit: twitter.com/tylerfarr

Hopefully Tyler won’t keep falling off stages like Luke did for a while. However, if it means he will rack up the #1 songs and albums just like Luke has I would guess that Tyler would be fine with falling off stage several more times.

By: Buck Stevens