Photo from: Youtube
Bill Waller from Habitat for Humanity joined Faith and I on Thursday morning to talk Acorns to Oaks Cabinetry. We talked about a contest that could reward our chapter $25,000 to help our youth learn a trade. It’s the State Farm Neighborhood Assist Program.
The trade is woodworking and cabinetry making and retired professionals will serve as instructors and mentors for the youth as they learn this trade and the finished product will go into the habitat homes. Mr. Waller said;
This is a trade that is being taken out of schools due to budgeting and we want to continue to teach this trade as it’ll always be in demand.
Please take the time to vote up to ten times a day and remember we don’t have much time the final day is Wednesday, June 3rd 2015.
-JD Justice
Here is our talk with Bill Waller of Habitat for Humanity click here.