Kenny Chesney Bus ‘Moby’ Hits Milestone B104’s JD Justice Was There at Start [VIDEO]

Kenny Chesney in Fall In Love from: youtube

Photo From: youtube

I’ve bored you with my Kenny Chesney Showcase story before, but to me it’s so cool and I have a reason to share it again. In 1995 Kenny Chesney was a new member on the BNA record label. In those days Program Directors were flown to locations to see new acts in hopes of adding their new song.

Kenny Chesney had his in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina at the ‘Alabama Theatre’ he bounced all over the stage and had some sound issues, but when I went back to the station that Sunday, I added his first big hit ‘Fall In Love’ much to the dismay of some of my leaders. I always felt there was something about him and kept supporting him anyway I could. It was also the first song I ever added as a Radio Program Director.

The rest is history, but recently his first tour bus ‘Moby’ reached the million mile mark. I’m sure there was a celebration of some sort knowing Kenny and the guy’s reputation. Kenny said;

If this bus could talk the stories it would tell.

I’m so blessed to be able to have been there at the start and have a couple more stories I could share over the years. Kenny Chesney doesn’t remember me I’m sure, but it doesn’t matter. I’ll cherish it for the rest of my life.

-JD Justice

Kenny Chesney’s First song ‘Fall In Love’ I reccomend ‘Tin Man’ if you get a chance.