By: Faith Rinker
Back in my ISU days, I met a girl named Emily Churchill. It was Freshman year, in the theatre department, we were both auditioning for an all female show, and bonded over our mutual love for Bon Jovi (Jon Bon Jovi to be exact.) We spent our college years as besties, she was my first frat party partner, first dorm room screw-driver maker, and she always made sure our parents knew she was “just studying” when they asked what our plans for the weekend were.
After ISU she moved to Chicago and then had a “make it or break it” moment, and decided to take the jump and make the big move to Hollywood. The opportunities in Los Angeles were definitely more abundant than Chicago and it was definitely worth it for Emily.
Emily has been blessed to be in a number of amazing commercials from Cheerio’s to Jack in the Box, and my personal favorite? She starred with Flo in a Progressive commercial! She has her own one woman show, does stand-up, and works her butt off to be the best at what she does.
I couldn’t be more proud of my friend, and want to send her lots of love and hugs as tonight we all sit on our couches and watch her as she guest stars in an episode of Criminal Minds, 8pm, CBS. TUNE IN WITH ME!