Kimberly Williams-Paisley Renews Vows To Brad In Hot Pink Panties

Brad Paisley and Kimberly Williams-Paisley/Photo By: YouTube
Brad Paisley and Kimberly Williams-Paisley/Photo By: YouTube

By: Faith Rinker

How great is it that Brad Paisley and Kimberly Williams-Paisley celebrated their 12th wedding anniversary on March 15? And they did it with style in a vow-renewal celebration, complete with pink panties and all! Let me explain…

After 12 years of marriage you’ve gotta learn to spice it up, and the Paisley’s didn’t dissapoint with the nuptials. The ceremony was actually a surprise at a friends house Kimberly said…

“We did a really, really campy wedding vow renewal ceremony. You could see my pink panties underneath it, it was pretty awesome. One of my best friend’s went and bought it for me. It was a surprise, I didn’t know we were doing it.”

Now THAT is a picture I’d like to see!

Here’s to another 12 years Brad and Kimberly!