Watch the Pulled GoDaddy Puppy Super Bowl Commercial Here [VIDEO]

(Photo credit: YouTube)

Watch the pulled GoDaddy Super Bowl commercial here and see if you think it should have been pulled or not.

GoDaddy’s Super Bowl commercial mocked the Budweiser puppy Super Bowl commercial. The website building company released their commercial Tuesday on YouTube.

Within hours there was an internet uproar over the commercial and even an online petition to with tens of thousands of signatures demanding the company pull the commercial. The company has bowed to the pressure of the outraged and pulled the commercial from the Super Bowl and removed it from their YouTube channel.

The company posted this comment on their website Tuesday night: “This morning we previewed GoDaddy's Super Bowl spot on a popular talk show, and shortly after a controversy started to swirl about Buddy, our puppy, being sold online. The responses were emotional and direct. Many people urged us not to run the ad…. The net result? We are pulling the ad from the Super Bowl. You'll still see us in the Big Game this year, and we hope it makes you laugh. Finally, rest assured, Buddy came to us from a reputable and loving breeder in California. He's now part of the GoDaddy family as our Chief Companion Officer and he's been adopted permanently by one of our longtime employees.”

Watch the pulled GoDaddy Super Bowl commercial below and then go to our Facebook page by clicking here and tell us if you think it is funny or offensive.

By: Buck Stevens