Idaho Court Issues Nine Year Old an Arrest Warrant [VIDEO]

By: JD Justice

The next time you’re in Idaho be careful that your kid doesn’t steal a pack of gum. The police chief in Post Falls, Idaho has confirmed that an arrest warrant did go out for a nine year old boy who stole a pack of gum. I know stealing is wrong, but I read that the boy is from a poor family and when his court date came up he wasn’t able to make the appearance Post Falls, Idaho police chief Scott Haug said;

It's the first time in my 30-year career that he's seen an arrest warrant for someone so young.

Haug also confirmed;

 The kid missed his court date because his family had no way of getting him to the courthouse. 

Really, Nine years old? I think there are other ways to influence a kid other than issue an arrest warrant. I have an idea for them. If he can’t get there, why don’t they find a way to help him appear before the judge? Send a car to pick him up.

 I personally think that there has to be another way to teach this young fellow a lesson. My father would've taken care of the matter and if the young man doesn’t have a father then a tough officer might be able to scare him a little. It works ask any officer. At this time he's being held in a juvenile detention center awaiting his court appearance.

Spokane, North Idaho News


Police Chief comments from KHQ TV in Idaho.

Here is what some of you are saying on the FACEBOOK page.

Stacy Jo Williams Whoa! That's wrong! It's not like he robbed a bank good grief!

Roger Look really, they will spend more money NOT putting him in jail because of his age. the cop should have explained to him stealing is not good than bought the gum for the kid. the cop was and ass and the courts are not much better.

Shannon Morgan Thats so wrong!! Hes 9 years old ya a child should learn not to steal, but over a pack of GUM!! Seriously

Roger Look i remember back in the late 70's or early 80's there was a man here in Bloomington stole a package of Baloney from the store that was at the corner of Washington and Lee st. he had not had anything to eat for a couple days. so he spent a number of weeks in the McLean County jail.

Steve Mascaro No..must be a slow day..a good station house adjustment would be enough.

Shannon Morgan Hey he got fed from tax payers money and didnt have to steal it so he didnt die from starvation

Hansel Gillis When I was a little kid (maybe 6 or 7 yrs old), while at the grocery store with my siblings, we opened a bag of candy when no one was looking and ate it. The store clerk saw us, tracked down my mom, and took us to the back office. A cop came to the store and gave us a stern talking to. We were all balling our eyes out and swearing we would never do it again. That put the FEAR OF A LIFETIME in me and NEVER have I done anythign like that since. I'm sure that cop got a chuckle out of scaring us, but was a great life lession.