Weird Internet Story Of The Day: Did Giant Crabs Eat Amelia Earhart?

Imagine just going about your day and this gem of a story pops on your twitter feed…

CLEARLY…I had to investigate. I read the article posted with the story (which you can read HERE) and was intrigued, but mostly horrified. 3 FEET and up to 9 POUNDS! These Coconut Crabs seem to be straight out of a cheap, Sci-fy level, horror movie; but they’re real my friends, they are so real. They are the largest crabs on the planet.

And then you add in the Amelia Earhart side of this story. It seems crazy but then you watch the video of one of these crabs killing a bird (if you really want, you can watch that happen HERE). There is a 100% chance one of these crabs will be chasing me in my dreams tonight.

Apparently though, this theory about Amelia Earhart goes back a few years. I found a story from, of all places, The Smithsonian Institute that talks about the theory. The article from 2013 says…

Now, obviously, there is no real way to prove whether or not these crabs from my nightmares devoured Amelia Earhart. BUT STILL! The whole idea that it is a remote possibility gives me the willy’s.  I will never find myself within a country mile of these monsters!

But any-who, anyone else hungry for crab legs right now?

By Hunter