Now THAT’S How to TP a House! [VIRAL VIDEO]

Howie Mandel by TP'd House/Photo credit: YouTube
Howie Mandel by TP’d House/Photo credit: YouTube

Howie Mandel was the target of an insane toilet paper prank and his friend Roman Atwood documented it in this Viral Video.

As a comedian, Howie has used humor on stage and in TV shows to pull pranks on unsuspecting people and friends. Roman has turned the tables on him.

Roman enlisted a few friends to help him TP Howie’s house. They gave the house the true “star treatment” by using 4,000 roles of toiletry tissue to execute the prank.

Watch the Viral Video below of the “Insane Toilet Paper Prank” that has already been viewed 5.3 million times in the three days it has been on YouTube!

By: Buck Stevens

Here is an extra “Behind The Scenes” video of the prank for you.